Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Passed Down

I have never been a sentimental or emotional person. I don't save things unless I need them, I don't feel sad over things that I used to have. Because of this I never would have thought I would have loved it so much that my mom saved different clothes and accessories that my sister and I wore as kids. 
However as my mom has started pulling out different bows, clothes and shoes that either my sister or I used to wear, I think it is so fun and special that Harper gets to wear those things too! 
There will always be clothing that will go out if style and you will wonder, why was I ever wearing that, but I definitely plan on saving a few of my favorite things from all my kids to pass down to their children one day. 
Many people save jewelry, wedding dresses or other expensive items, but I think some of the simple day to day things can be most fun because they can be worn or used often! 
This bow is in so many of our pictures as kids. I wore it and then my sister did too, and now Harper is using it. 
I encourage everyone to set a few things aside that you can pass down to the next generation! With Harper as a recipient of those things that my mom saved I can tell you how much fun it is! 

Bow: mine
Shirt: Carter's 
Sweater: H&M 
Pants: Target
Shoes: hand me down 

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