Thursday, December 5, 2013

Creative Corner

As I mentioned before in a previous post I used to teach preschool and we did a different art or craft everyday. I had so much fun doing the Thanksgiving art wth Harper that I have decided I am going to try to do a couple different arts and crafs activities with her every month. 
I changed things up on part of the wall above the dresser in her room and am going to hang up the different crafts for the month. She already love looking at the pictures tht I have hung there and I want her to be excited to see things that she has made on the wall too.
This morning we made her snowman footprint craft. It's a cute and easy craft and it doesn't take many supplies. 
-construction paper
-white paint (washable) 
When I made the thanksgiving handprint craft with Harper I had a really hard time getting her to put her hand flat in the paper. I was hoping that it would be easier with this one since it was with the footprint. I was able to get a couple pretty decent footprints, however she did NOT like the feeling of the paint on her foot. 
I felt kind of bad, she was fine when I painted the bottom of her foot but as soon as I stood her up to do the footprint, and she felt the slimy paint she started screaming like she was scared. I just kept saying, we're almost done, we're almost done- but we had come that far I wasn't going to wipe it off till I had a couple footprints. 
As soon as I say her down and started wiping the paint off all was well and she even tried to clean the footprints of the paper that we had just painted. 
As soon as the paint was dry I just drew on the footprints to make them into the snowmen. 
Later on we did the simple reindeer fingerprint craft too since I had all the supplies out- and now she has the beginnings of her own little creative corner on her bedroom wall. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Committing to Communication

Communication: it's something that every living person has in common, we may not all communicate in the same way, there are different languages, a smile, a wave, laughter, a look on the face, but it is something that we all learn at a young age. 
When Kyle and I first started dating I learned right away that he was an EXCELLENT communicator, something I definitely lucked out on; we all know that communication tends to be a part of the relationship that guys lack in. However, for us, Kyle was an even better communicator than was. I attribute his great skills to his awesome parents and the fact that he was the only boy and had THREE sister- he had to learn how to communicate or he probably would have gone crazy! 
As we got to know each other more we learned more efficient ways to communicate with each other and without communication no relationship would ever last. 
Before we got married we took a pre-married class with our pastor and what do you think was one of the hot topics up for discussion? That's right-COMMUNICATION. We talked about things in our relationship that would change and grow and how communication was a big part of that after we got married. 
After Harper was born, we now had something new to learn, how to communicate with an infant who doesn't have any idea what you are saying. As a new parent you communicate with your child through touch; you hold them, snuggle them, feed them, make them feel safe. And as your child grows these ways of communication mature and grow. 
Before Harper could talk, I taught her sign language, this was a new and exciting experience as my child was actually communicating back to me! Sometimes though there are not even a need for words. All parents out there know what I am talking about, there is that "look" you give to your child to make them freeze in their tracks, the occasional snap of the fingers to get their attention, or even a smile or laugh that they will copy. 
We communicate to our kids in so many ways we don't even realize, by reading to them, singing to them, dancing, playing, tickling; every little thing you do communicates a message to your child in some way. 
There are so many important and different ways that we, as adults, learn to communicate. We then will pass down these things to our children. The more I think about it the more I hope that my ways of communication are nothing but love, kind and encouraging words and things that Harper will one day pass down to her children. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Little Cali Girl

I have been seeing so many people on Instagram posting pictures of crazy amounts of snow already. When I see photos it looks so pretty and I am somewhat jealous, but then I think of all the hassel that can come along with living in lots of snow and I am thankful for our great Southern California weather. 
Today the high was in the low 70's perfect day for a walk around the neighborhood with Harper. I know she is getting tuns of new clothes for Christmas so I am trying to get some outfit poss done before all te new clothes arrive and I forget about all these clothes. Haha 
My grandparents just got these tights for her a couple weeks ago when they were out here visiting from Texas. I love them so much, they are a perfect color and look so cute with some many things! I love how kids can look cute in just about anything. 

Sweater: H&M 
Shorts: hand-me-down 
Tights: Carter's 
Shoes: Crazy 8