When most people think about having a baby, chances are the first thing that comes to mind is the lack of sleep. You hear the horror stories of the babies that cry all night long, have their days and nights mixed up, and prepare yourself for months of being exhausted. When Harper was born I had no idea what to expect or what my plan would be to sleep train her, I just knew that it was something that had to be done! Please keep in mind I am just sharing my story and how we did things, everyone has their different parenting thoughts.
A key I had learned from watching other mom friends of mine was that I didn't want Harper to get used to sleeping in my arms all the time as an infant. The habits that babies form when they are little can be very hard to break later. I am not saying that I never held her or anything like that, I just tried to let her have equal time in her swing or laid out on a blanket on the floor. I have to say, that was one of the best choices I made as a new mom. She loved having her "playtime" on the floor and it taught her to explore the stuff around her, as well as got her used to laying on her own.
She slept in the bassinet in our room for her first 4 weeks or so. I never let her sleep in bed with us at night because I didn't want it to become a habit. There were many nights where nursing would have been so much easier if she was just in our bed, but I am glad I held out. I am a really light sleeper and wake up to any little noise, so when Harper was about a month old I moved her into her own crib in her room. She did fantastic and that was when she started to sleep longer stretches. The other thing I did that helped her sleep better was to have her sleep on her stomach. (I know that's not what they recommend these days but she never spit up and slept so well like that) She loved laying on her stomach and I noticed it made her feel full longer so she would sleep 6 hour stretches or so around a month old.
When Harper was 4 months old we moved in with my in laws to save money and Harper had to sleep in our room for a little while. At that point our amazing sleeper stopped sleeping through the night and would wake up several times wanting her paci. It was torture! After a month and a half or so of this I started letting her just cry herself back to sleep because I didn't want her to think I was going to get up in the middle of the night to give her her pacifier. It was hard at first (especially since she was in our bedroom) but on the first night of letting her cry, she cried less than 3 mins and fell back to sleep. Letting her cry it out instead of getting up to give her the paci made a huge difference in her sleeping habits. Babies are a lot smarter than you think and they catch on pretty quickly with what you are and are not going to do. Just remember when letting your baby cry it out, start with small amounts of time and work up to longer amounts. When you go in to comfort them, rub their back, sing to them, tell them it will be ok, and walk out again. Try not to pick them up every time or else they will think that you will do it every single time they cry at night. Crying is NOT hurting them at all, it is way harder for you as the parent than it is to them. If you really have a hard time listening to them cry, try standing outside or turn on some music for a couple mins. If you stick with letting them cry it out for a few days, a week even, they should be totally used to it and be sleeping through the night!
When Harper was about 7 months old we were able to move her into her own room. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, afraid that she had gotten used to sleeping in our room. But in her first night back in her own bedroom she slept 8 hours and only woke up once. I think she could sense that we were not in the room with her anymore and knew there was no point in waking up crying. haha In the couple months that followed she started sleeping 10-12 hours at night. It is amazing! She goes to bed around the same time every night and wakes up at the same time every morning.
Another thing we use that really helps her sleep well is an air purifier fan. It creates great white noise so that she isn't awakened by random things outside or noises in the house. There are so many wonderful sound machines or fans that will do the trick! I even have a sound machine app on my phone in case we are at someone else's house for her nap.
I have helped a couple friends with advice and support about getting their babies to sleep at night and guess what, it worked with them too! Keep in mind, every baby is different and has different sleeping habits. Also, if you are sleep training your baby once they are a bit older it may be more difficult at first as you are having to break them of things they have been used to for a while. It is possible though, just be patient, persistent and have someone you can vent to and get support from.
Here are some great links I have recommended to friends that I found on Pinterest about helping sleep train your baby.
Thanks for reading and feel free to share with other parents!
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